10+ Social Commerce Statistics, Data & Trends For 2023

The rise of social commerce in the US is hard to overlook. Sales from social commerce are on track to surge by 34.4% in 2023

Zoom out a bit, and the figures show an uptrend, with US social commerce spending having climbed by 27% in 2022 compared to the prior year. Globally, the arena is just as dynamic, with the market set to clock in at an impressive $2.4 trillion value this year. 

Let me share the most crucial social commerce statistics and insightful social media shopping data you should be aware of right away. πŸ“ˆπŸŒ

Social Commerce Statistics: The Key Data

  • The global social commerce market will be valued at $2.4 trillion in 2023, and by 2030, that number will reach $8.5 trillion.
  • The global social commerce market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.6% from 2023 to 2030.
  • US social commerce sales are set to grow 34.4% this year to $53.1 billion.
  • US social buyers make up 32% of online consumers, or 90.2 million people.
  • In 2022, 4.4% of U.S. online retail sales were social commerce.
  • The average US social buyer spent $518 in 2022, which is a 27% increase from the previous year.
  • 98% of consumers plan to make at least one purchase through social commerce in 2022.
  • 74% of consumers use social media to make purchasing decisions.

Key Findings on Social Media Shopping Statistics

  • 71% of users are more likely to purchase products and services based on social media referrals.
  • 54% of social media users conduct product research on the platform.
  • 74% of consumers use social media to make purchasing decisions.
  • 40% of Americans have bought something after seeing it on social media.
  • 44% of Generation Z have bought something after a social influencer’s recommendation, compared to 26% of the general population.
  • 43% of internet users in the United States are classified as “social media shoppers.”
  • The social-commerce market is expected to exceed $2 trillion by 2025.
  • In 2021, people used social-commerce channels to buy $37 billion worth of goods and services.
  • 61% of US online adults under 25 made a purchase on a social and creator platform network without leaving the website or app, up from 53% in 2020.
  • 75% of US live-shoppers want to attend more shows.

Sources: (GWI, ODM Group study, Mint, Kantar, McKinsey, Forrester)

Social Media Referrals Boost Purchase Probability by 71%

Important takeaway:

Leverage social media influencersGiven the high trust in social media referrals, partnering with influencers can significantly drive product sales.
Encourage customer referrals on social mediaStrategies that motivate customers to refer your products on social media can increase conversions.
Integrate social proof in marketing strategiesThe importance of social media referrals highlights the necessity of incorporating social proof in your marketing.
Prioritize engagement on social mediaHigh engagement rates can facilitate more referrals, thereby driving purchases.

Source: GWI

54% of Social Media Users Undertake Product Research On-Platform

Important takeaway:

Prioritize product visibility on social mediaWith a significant number of users conducting product research on social media, product visibility on these platforms is crucial.
Develop informative social media contentUsers rely on social media for product information, so creating detailed, accurate content is essential.
Utilize social media for customer feedbackGiven the role of social media in product research, it’s a potent tool for collecting and addressing customer feedback.
Optimize social media SEOWith high product research rates on social media, optimizing for social media search is a must to reach potential buyers.

Source: GWI

Social Media Influences Purchasing Decisions for 74% of Consumers

Important takeaway:

Leverage social media for product promotionA significant majority of consumers use social media to guide purchasing decisions, making it vital for product promotion.
Prioritize social media in marketing strategiesGiven the platform’s influence on purchasing, integrating it thoroughly into marketing strategies is essential.
Foster social media engagementHigh engagement can influence purchasing decisions, emphasizing the need for interactive and appealing content.
Utilize customer testimonials on social mediaGiven the high reliance on social media for purchase decisions, using customer testimonials can significantly enhance trust and sales.

Source: ODM Group Study

40% of Americans Buy Post-Social Media Exposure

Important takeaway:

Prioritize social media for US marketingWith a high percentage of Americans making purchases influenced by social media, it should be a key platform in US marketing strategies.
Create visually appealing social media contentGiven the influence of social media on purchases, creating eye-catching product visuals can boost sales.
Leverage social media ads for conversionsImplementing ad campaigns on social media platforms can lead to significant conversions among American users.
Engage influencers for product promotionInfluencers can increase product visibility and drive purchases, particularly given the significant impact of social media on buying decisions.

Source: Mint

44% of Gen Z Buy on Influencer Recommendation, Outpacing 26% General Population

Important takeaway:

Generation Z is significantly influenced by social influencers.Influence marketing strategies need intensification for Generation Z demographic.
The general population is less influenced by social influencers.Broad-based marketing strategies are more effective for the general populace.
The gap in buying behavior between Gen Z and general population.A tailored marketing strategy is needed for different demographic groups.
Gen Z is the most influencer-receptive generation.Marketing plans must incorporate influencers for this demographic’s engagement.

Source: Kantar

43% of US Internet Users Identified as ‘Social Media Shoppers’

43% of internet users in the United States are classified as "social media shoppers."

Important takeaway:

What does the data SuggestJustification
A significant portion of US internet users are social media shoppers.Companies should increase their social media marketing efforts.
Traditional online shopping methods aren’t the only focus.The importance of social media as a shopping platform is increasing.
The trend of “social commerce” is growing.Investment in social media e-commerce integration is crucial.
The need for a robust online social presence.A strong social media presence can boost sales and customer interaction.

Source: GWI

Social-Commerce Market Predicted to Surpass $2 Trillion by 2025

Important takeaway:

Rapid growth in the social-commerce market is anticipated.Business strategies must incorporate a social-commerce element.
Major shift towards social-commerce.Investment in social-commerce capabilities is crucial for survival.
The future e-commerce landscape will be dominated by social-commerce.Preparations for this shift should start now.
The potential revenue from social-commerce is enormous.Ignoring this sector could mean missed financial opportunities.

Source: McKinsey

$37 Billion in Goods, Services Sold via Social-Commerce in 2021

Important takeaway:

Social-commerce channels are already driving substantial sales.Investment in social-commerce is not just for the future, but for the present as well.
Consumers are comfortable buying through social-commerce.Efforts to make these channels seamless and user-friendly should be prioritized.
Social-commerce has significant buying power.Businesses must optimize their presence on these channels for revenue.
A notable amount of commerce is conducted on social media.E-commerce strategies should include a strong social media component.

Source: McKinsey

61% of Young US Online Adults Purchase via Social Platforms, Up 8% from 2020

Important takeaway:

Young US adults increasingly buy directly on social platforms.Simplified purchasing experiences on these platforms can drive sales.
In-app purchases are becoming more popular.Seamless in-app shopping experiences are vital for attracting this demographic.
The trend of buying without leaving the platform is growing.Efforts should be made to enhance this feature for user convenience.
A significant rise in in-app purchases in just one year.This fast-growing trend demands quick adaptation from businesses.

Source: Forrester

75% of US Live-Shoppers Keen on Attending More Shows

Important takeaway:

High demand for more live shopping shows among US consumers.Businesses should increase the frequency of their live shopping events.
Live shopping shows are popular among consumers.Engaging content and interactive presentations are key to attracting customers.
There’s an untapped potential for increased live shopping events.Developing more live shopping opportunities can increase sales.
Live shopping shows have a strong retention rate.To retain and attract more customers, these events should be part of the marketing strategy.

Source: McKinsey

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