10+ Brand Loyalty Statistics and Facts (Latest Data)

Brand loyalty is a powerful driver of growth for companies, with those boasting strong brand loyalty experiencing revenue growth 2.5 times faster than their industry peers. 

Loyal customers, showing their allegiance, spend 67% more on products and services compared to new ones. Moreover, a significant 77% of customers are inclined to recommend a brand they trust to others

To illuminate this further, I’d like to share the most important brand loyalty statistics that are crucial to note immediately. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ก

Brand Loyalty Statistics: The Key Data

  • Companies with strong brand loyalty grow revenue 2.5 times faster than their peers in their industry.
  • Customers who are loyal spend 67% more on products and services than new customers.
  • The majority of customers (54.7%) are loyal to 1 to 5 brands.
  • Loyal customers buy 90% more often than new customers.
  • 57% of customers will abandon a brand if it does not respond to negative reviews.
  • 77% of consumers have been loyal to at least one brand for 10 years or more.
  • 89% of customers say they will stick with a brand if they share similar values.
  • 81% of consumers desire to develop a relationship with a brand.
  • After one positive experience, 77% of customers will recommend a brand to another.

Millennial Brand Loyalty Statistics: The Key Point

  • Millennials are the most brand-loyal, with 50.5% strongly or quite loyal to their favorite brands.
  • The majority of Millennials (75%) have higher brand loyalty and are more likely to do business with brands to which they are loyal.
  • 81% of millennials say that joining a loyalty program increased their spending with that brand.
  • 62% of Millennials prefer brands that interact with customers directly on social media.
  • 60% of millennials have had long-term relationships with specific brands.
  • 73% of millennial shoppers enrolled in a loyalty program to receive holiday season benefits and rewards.

Sources: (Medium, Market Splash, Eventige, Inc, Inmoment, Retail Customer Experience.)

Gen Z Brand Loyalty Statistics: The Key Point

  • 46 percent of Gen Z say they have a strong connection or loyalty to a brand.
  • Nearly 60% of US Gen Z online shoppers said they lost brand loyalty since the crisis in 2021.
  • 77% of Gen Z adults say they try new brands.
  • 52% of Gen Z are more likely to take part in a loyalty program this year than they were last year.

Sources: (National Retail Federation, Statista, Morning Consult, Sailthru.)

Social Media Brand Loyalty Statistics

  • 53% of Americans who follow brands on social media are more likely to buy from them.
  • 90% of people buy from brands they follow on social media
  • 62% of millennials say they are more likely to become loyal customers if a brand engages them on social networks.

Sources: (My Total Retail, Emarsys, Yotpo, Signal, Pwc, Fortunly, Pr Newswire, Merkle, Inmoment, Convince And Convert.)

Apple Brand Loyalty Statistics: The Key Data

  • Appleย has a 92 percent retention rate among iPhone users, while Samsung has a 77 percent retention rate.
  • Apple has maintained a customer retention rate of over 90 percent for the past three years.
  • iPhone users were 18% more loyal to the brandย of their device than Android users.
  • 84% of iPhone owners plan to purchase another Apple device to replace their current one.
  • Apple had 74.6% trade-in brand loyalty.
  • 48% of iPhone users polled said they were unlikely to switch brands.
  • Apple has over 2 billion active devices around the world.
  • There will be more than 1.46 billion active iPhone users worldwide in 2023.
  • The number of iPhone users in the United States has increased from 45 million in 2012 to 124.7 million in 2022.
  • Apple has 57.4% of the US smartphone market as of June 2023.

Sources: (CNET, Apple Insider, Patently Apple, Bank My Cell, Statista, Mac Rumors, Canalys.)

Learn more: https://www.businessdit.com/customer-loyalty-statistics/

Strong Brand Loyalty Fuels Companies to Grow Revenue at 2.5X Industry Rate

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Brand loyalty is a potent revenue acceleratorFirms boasting robust brand loyalty witness revenue expansion at a rate 2.5 times swifter than other contemporaries in their domain.
Loyalty isnโ€™t just emotional; itโ€™s economicBeyond the intangible sentiment and trust, loyalty directly translates to financial gains, outpacing competitors significantly.
Investing in cultivating brand loyalty is paramount for growthThis statistic makes it abundantly clear: businesses that prioritize and foster brand loyalty are better poised for rapid growth.

Source: My Total Retail

Loyal Customers Outlay 67% More, Towering Over New Clientele Spending

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyal customers are notably more valuableThe substantial 67% spending increase by loyal customers, in comparison to their newer counterparts, highlights their elevated value.
Loyalty equates to increased spendingThe long-standing relationship and trust cultivated with a brand lead loyal customers to invest more in its offerings.
Brands must lean into retaining and nurturing their baseGiven the pronounced financial advantage loyal customers present, it’s crucial for brands to focus on retention and deepening these relationships.

Source: Emarsys

For 54.7% of Shoppers, Loyalty Lies with 1-5 Trusted Brands

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Consumer brand loyalty tends to be selectiveWith over half (54.7%) of consumers loyal to a narrow range of 1 to 5 brands, it’s evident that brand loyalty is discerning and not dispersed.
Brands have a tight window to secure consumer loyaltyGiven the limited number of brands to which a consumer is typically loyal, businesses must strive to be among this elite bracket.
Consistent value and engagement are keys to loyaltyTo be among the top brands a consumer stays loyal to, companies must offer sustained value and foster continuous meaningful engagement.

Source: Yotpo

Frequent Flyers: Loyalists Make Purchases 90% More Than Brand Newbies

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty drives frequent purchasing behaviorLoyal customers showcasing a whopping 90% higher purchase frequency than new customers underlines the potent repurchase power ingrained in loyalty.
Cultivating loyalty can significantly boost sales frequencyThis stark differential in purchase patterns emphasizes the economic rationale behind investing in customer loyalty strategies.
Loyal customers are a brand’s recurring revenue championsGiven their propensity to buy more often, loyalists emerge as a consistent revenue stream, underscoring the importance of their retention.

Source: Signal

Brands Ignoring Negative Reviews Risk 57% of Their Client Base

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Responsiveness to negative reviews is non-negotiableA staggering 57% of customers being ready to part ways with a brand over unaddressed negative reviews spotlights the absolute necessity of timely and constructive feedback management.
Silence can be costlier than criticismFailing to engage with or address negative sentiment can result in more substantial brand erosion than the initial negative feedback itself.
Brands must prioritize transparent, open dialogue with customersTo maintain and foster trust, brands must engage openly with their customers, especially when feedback is less than favorable.

Source: Pwc

Steadfast Shoppers: 77% Stand by a Brand for a Decade or More

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Brand loyalty can stand the test of timeThe fact that 77% of consumers remain steadfastly loyal to a brand for a decade or more signifies the lasting nature of such relationships.
Building trust has long-term rewardsFostering deep trust and rapport with consumers can translate to a relationship that spans years, if not decades.
Brands must recognize and celebrate long-standing customer tiesFor businesses, this statistic highlights the importance of not just acquiring customers but also nurturing and appreciating them in the long run.

Source: Fortunly

89% of Consumers Commit to Brands Echoing Their Personal Values

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Shared values are paramount in fostering brand loyaltyAn overwhelming 89% of customers anchoring their loyalty to value alignment underscores how core beliefs drive consumer decisions.
Modern consumers are not just buying products, but brand ideologiesBeyond mere transactions, consumers are seeking deeper emotional and philosophical connections with the brands they patronize.
Brands must be clear and genuine in their mission and valuesGiven the weight consumers place on shared values, brands need to authentically communicate and live by their guiding principles.

Source: Pr Newswire

Loyalty Beyond Purchase: 81% Seek Genuine Brand Relationships

81% of consumers desire to develop a relationship with a brand

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Consumers seek more than transactions; they seek connectionsThe significant 81% of consumers wanting a relationship underlines a shift from mere consumerism to relational brand interactions.
Brands must foster community and belongingBeyond product offerings, cultivating a sense of community can deeply resonate with consumers and drive brand loyalty.
Investment in relationship-building pays offIn an era where consumers seek deeper meaning, brands that invest in cultivating genuine relationships can achieve lasting loyalty.

Source: Merkle

77% Transformed into Brand Ambassadors After Just One Positive Experience

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
A single positive encounter can fuel brand advocacyWith 77% of customers turning into brand advocates after just one good experience, the ripple effect of positive interactions is undeniable.
Word-of-mouth remains a potent marketing toolThis statistic highlights that satisfied customers are often the most effective brand ambassadors, driving organic growth.
Brands must consistently aim for excellence in service deliveryGiven the immediate inclination to recommend after a good experience, brands should prioritize providing unparalleled service at every touchpoint.

Source: Inmoment

53% of Americans More Likely to Purchase from Brands They Follow Online

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Social media presence can drive purchase decisionsThe fact that over half of Americans are more inclined to buy from brands they follow online underlines the commercial power of social platforms.
Following a brand signifies an elevated level of engagementWhen consumers opt to follow a brand, it’s an active step towards associating with its values, products, and community, often leading to a purchase.
Brands must be active and authentic on social platformsGiven the direct correlation between social media engagement and purchasing behavior, it’s crucial for brands to curate meaningful and genuine content for their followers.

Source: Convince And Convert

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