10+ Crucial Customer Loyalty Statistics & Data (Latest)

Customer loyalty is an invaluable asset in the competitive business landscape, with loyal customers spending 43% more money at businesses to which they are devoted. 

These loyal customers are also 5x more likely to repurchase, 5x more likely to forgive, 4x more likely to refer, and 7x more likely to try a new offering. 

To put things in perspective, I’d like to share the most important customer loyalty statistics that are crucial to note immediately. 💡🌐

Customer Loyalty Statistics: The Key Data

  • Loyal customers spend 43% more money at businesses to which they are loyal.
  • Companies leading in loyalty experience approximately 2.5 times faster revenue growth than others in their industries.
  • Members of loyalty programs generate 12-18% more revenue growth per year than nonmembers.
  • 52% of customers go out of their way to buy from brands to which they are loyal.
  • Customers who are loyal are 5x more likely to repurchase, 5x more likely to forgive, 4x more likely to refer, and 7x more likely to try a new offering.
  • Existing customers generate 65% of a company’s revenue.
  •  After a negative experience, loyal customers are 46% more likely to continue purchasing from a brand.
  • 75% of consumers will like a brand more if there is a loyalty program.
  • 88% of customers say it takes at least three purchases to become loyal to a brand.
  • 77% of shoppers say they have been loyal to the same brand for 10 years or more.

Sources: (Nerd Wallet, Hbr, News Room, Zen Desk, Rachel Botsman, Dnb, Kpmg, Pr Newswire, Customer Think, Digital Silk.)

Starbucks Customer Loyalty Statistics: The Key Data

  • Starbucks loyalty members spend 3X more than non-members and visit more often.
  • 41% of Starbucks’s U.S. sales are contributed by its loyalty members.
  • Starbucks Rewards has nearly 31 million active members.
  • In 2023, active membership in the United States increased by 15% year on year.
  • Starbucks’ loyalty program has averaged a 16% year-over-year growth.
  • Starbucks rewards members are 5.6 times more likely to visit a Starbucks every day.
  • Starbucks received a 78 on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) in 2022.
  • 21% of Starbucks customers returned within three days, with 10% returning within one day.
  • 71% of Starbucks app users went to a store at least once a week.
  • Starbucks has a higher customer retention rate of 44% than the industry average of 25%.

Sources: (Usa Today, Skift, Pymnts, Smile, Alchemer, Statista, Page Fly, Harvard, Mjv Innovation.)

More Data: Customer Service Statistics

Loyalty Pays: Devoted Customers Spend 43% More

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty equates to higher spendingThe marked 43% spending increase from loyal customers serves as a testament to the direct financial benefits of customer loyalty.
Brand allegiance isn’t just sentimentalBeyond emotional attachments, loyal customers tangibly contribute more to a business’s bottom line.
Nurturing loyalty is a sound economic strategyWith the clear link between loyalty and elevated spending, businesses have compelling reasons to invest in customer retention and relationship-building efforts.

Source: Nerd Wallet

Loyalty Leaders Clock 2.5X Quicker Revenue Growth Than Peers

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty leadership directly translates to revenue growthCompanies at the forefront of loyalty initiatives aren’t just doing right by their customers; they’re witnessing a 2.5-fold surge in their revenue trajectories.
Loyalty isn’t a passive metric; it’s a growth driverThis data substantiates the notion that customer loyalty is a pivotal factor in accelerating business growth, not just a side effect of good service.
Setting the loyalty benchmark sets the revenue paceBrands that pioneer and prioritize customer loyalty practices are not just leading in customer satisfaction but also in financial performance within their sectors.

Source: Hbr

Loyalty Program Members Boost Revenue by 12-18% Annually Over Non-Members

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty programs are not mere tokens; they drive growthWith members chalking up 12-18% more annual revenue growth, the value proposition of loyalty programs is manifestly clear.
Membership amplifies customer worthBeyond initial sign-up incentives, loyalty memberships cultivate a breed of customers that consistently outspend their non-member counterparts.
Investing in loyalty programs is a strategic imperativeThe demonstrated revenue disparity between members and non-members underscores the business imperative to create and nurture robust loyalty initiatives.

Source: News Room

52% of Customers Seek Out Brands to Which They Pledge Loyalty

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty drives proactive customer behaviorsThe fact that over half of loyal customers actively seek out and prioritize their favorite brands underlines the profound pull of loyalty.
Brand allegiance manifests in tangible actionsIt’s not just about passive preferences; a significant portion of customers make extra efforts, including potential inconveniences, to patronize brands they trust and value.
Commitment to cultivating loyalty reaps consistent patronageBrands that succeed in fostering strong loyalty are rewarded with customers who remain dedicated, even in the face of easier or more available alternatives.

Source: Zen Desk

Loyalists: 5X More Likely to Repurchase and 7X to Sample New Products

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty solidifies repeat businessThe staggering fivefold likelihood of repurchases by loyal customers underscores the enduring value of their commitment.
Devoted customers offer brands a buffer against mistakesTheir 5x greater propensity to forgive points to the protective shield loyalty offers against occasional brand missteps.
Loyalists act as brand ambassadorsWith a 4x higher inclination to refer, these customers organically expand the brand’s reach and reputation.
Curiosity in brand’s innovations is heightened among the loyalistsTheir 7x greater likelihood to sample new offerings indicates trust in the brand’s capacity to innovate and deliver value.

Source: Rachel Botsman

A Dominant 65% of Company Revenue Comes from Existing Patrons

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Current customers are a business’s mainstayWith two-thirds of a company’s revenue stemming from existing clients, they unequivocally form the financial bedrock of most enterprises.
New acquisitions aren’t the primary revenue driversWhile bringing in fresh customers is vital, it’s the established customer base that consistently fills the coffers.
Cultivating current customer relationships pays offThis data underscores the importance of post-purchase engagement and the immense value of ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Source: Dnb

Post Negative Experience, Loyalists 46% More Apt to Stay Onboard

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty acts as a buffer against unfavorable experiencesDespite facing setbacks, a significant portion of loyal customers — nearly half — still opt to remain with the brand they trust.
Brand allegiance is not merely transactionalThis metric underscores that true loyalty is about more than just products or services; it’s built on deeper connections and trust.
Investing in loyalty can future-proof against inevitable hiccupsEven the best brands can falter occasionally. But a robust base of loyal customers can provide the resilience needed to weather such storms.

Source: Kpmg

Loyalty Programs Garner a 75% Favorability Spike Among Consumers

75% of consumers will like a brand more if there is a loyalty program

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty programs are not just perks; they shape perceptionsAn overwhelming majority of consumers, three-quarters to be precise, have a more favorable view of brands that offer loyalty rewards.
Consumer-brand affinity is influenced by value additionsThe presence of a loyalty program can significantly enhance a brand’s image, showcasing its commitment to rewarding and recognizing customer fidelity.
Brands stand to gain by rewarding loyaltyInstituting a loyalty program isn’t just about retaining customers—it’s a proactive move to foster brand affection and positive sentiment.

Source: Pr Newswire

Brand Loyalty Isn’t Instant: 88% Say Three Purchases are the Charm

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Loyalty isn’t an immediate offshoot of acquisitionA striking majority (88%) of customers see loyalty as a journey, suggesting it’s built over consistent interactions and not just a single positive experience.
Brands must strive for consistent excellenceOne-off purchase experiences aren’t enough; to cultivate true loyalty, brands must deliver value and satisfaction repeatedly.
The ‘three-purchase rule’ underscores sustained effortIt’s a clear indicator for businesses: to convert a customer into a loyalist, aim for excellence not once, but at least thrice.

Source: Customer Think

A Resounding 77% Remain Faithful to Brands for a Decade or Longer

Important takeaway:

Insight from DataRationale
Brand loyalty can span decadesA compelling majority, 77% of consumers, remain steadfast with their favored brands for a decade or even longer, underscoring the deep-rooted trust and allegiance they hold.
Consistency over time cements brand preferenceFor such long-standing loyalty to persist, brands must have consistently met or exceeded expectations over years, if not decades.
Brands must recognize and nurture this enduring bondGiven this pronounced loyalty, brands have a golden opportunity to further deepen these relationships by valuing and rewarding such long-term customers.

Source: Digital Silk

Learn more: Brand Loyalty Statistics, Loyalty Program Statistics,