38 Eco-Friendly Consumers Statistics & Trends [Updated]

Interest in eco-friendly products is on the rise. In just five years, global online searches for sustainable goods have jumped by 71%

Additionally, 72% of consumers say they purchase more green products now than they did half a decade ago. It’s also worth noting that products labeled as sustainable are seeing much faster growth, growing 2.7X quicker than those that aren’t. 

To give you a clearer picture, I’ve compiled some of the most important eco-friendly consumer statistics to better understand the current state of eco-friendly consumers. 🌿

  • 72% of consumers said they buy more eco-friendly products than five years ago.
  • Global online searches for sustainable goods have increased 71% in five years.
  • 55% of consumers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly brands.
  • Products marketed as sustainable grew 2.7X faster than products not marketed as sustainable.
  • 77% of businesses indicate sustainability leads to increases in customer loyalty.
  • 63% say sustainability boosts brand revenue.
  • 66% of shoppers are now looking for eco-friendly brands. 
  • 75% of US consumers care about products environmental impacts.
  • In recent years, 85% of consumers have become “greener” in their purchasing habits.
  • 79% of consumers are changing their purchasing habits to reflect their sense of social responsibility.
  • 50% of global consumers say they have become more eco-friendly in the past six months, according to a 2021 PwC survey
  • 55% of consumers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly brands.
  • 34% of consumers consider the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions.
  • 62% of consumers are willing to change their purchasing habits to help reduce environmental impact.
  • 22% of consumers say they have made major changes to be more environmentally friendly.  
  • 66% of consumers worldwide say they’re willing to pay more for sustainable brands.
  • 73% of Millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable offerings.
  • 45% of consumers are willing to buy more from companies that they believe care about the environment.
  • 92% of customers are more likely to trust a brand that is environmentally or socially conscious.
  • 53% of Consumers are prepared to spend extra for product packaging that is environmentally friendly, according to a recent survey.
  • 81% of people throughout the world expect businesses to be environmentally conscious in all of their advertising and marketing activities.
  • 52% of consumers want brands to create products with less packaging.

Sources: (Sustainable Brands, BusinessNewsDaily, PWC, LendingTree, Google)

  • 60% of the consumers globally rated sustainability as an important purchasing factor and in the US that number is above the global average at 61%.[9]

Consumer demand for sustainable products

  • 52% of consumers want brands to create products with less packaging. [6]
  • 1/3 of consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products.[9]
  • 77% of Americans are concerned about the environmental impact of products they buy.[10]

Eco-friendly Consumer Trend Statistics

  • 455 of shoppers wanted to find eco-friendly or environmentally responsible brands.[12]
  • 57% of consumers are willing to change their purchasing habits to help reduce negative environmental impact. [11]

Environmentally Conscious Consumers Statistics Canada

  • 62 percent of Canadians are ready to pay more for packaging that originates from a more environmentally friendly environment according to the Asiapulpaper survey.
  • 74% of Canadians consider sustainability an important factor when making purchases.
  • Canadians sustainability purchasing decisions relate to Food(63%), Retails goods(56%), and office goods(53%).
  • 97% engaged in some form of sustainable activity such as recycling(90%), reusable shopping bags(79%), and many other activities.
  • Up to 42% of Canadians now avoid plastic and buy products with less packaging whenever possible. (PWC Research Report 2019)
  • 38% are looking for products with environmentally friendly packaging.
  • 90% of Canadians think science should be followed to make the world more sustainable. (Newire)
  • 63% of Canadians say the COVID-19 outbreak has made them more eco-friendly. (Newire)

Environmentally Conscious Consumers Statistics UK

  • 45% of UK consumers want to buy eco-friendly products. (GWI)
  • 68% of online consumers in the U.S. and UK would or might stop using a brand because of poor or misleading CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility).
  • Only 5% of buyers don’t care if the things they buy are eco-friendly or sustainable.
  • 41% of consumers value eco-friendly and sustainable items.
  • 84% believe a poor  environmental track record brands would or might make them quit buying. (CSR Report)
  • 64% of people state plastic pollution as their number #1 environmental concern (GWI)

Environmentally Conscious Consumers Statistics Australia 

  • Australian consumers are more likely than other consumers to purchase ethical and environmentally friendly products.(CouriersPlease Reports)
  • 85 percent of consumers want retailers and brands to be more transparent about the sustainability of their products.
  • 40% of consumers believe a company’s social and environmental efforts are very or extremely important when purchasing products or services. (Finder Reports)

What percentage of consumers care about the environment?

Numerous surveys have found that the majority of people who shop in the United States are concerned about the environment and sustainable practices. 

75% of American consumers are concerned about the impact that the products they buy have on the environment, according to the findings of a survey by Sustainable Brands. 

How many consumers prefer environmentally friendly products?

Several different studies have found that a sizable percentage of consumers have a preference for products that are better for the environment. 

For instance, 72% of respondents said that they were actively buying more environmentally friendly products than they did five years ago, and 64% said that they would be willing to pay more for gas if the carbon emissions from their purchases were offset through sustainability efforts.

55% of Consumers Prepared to Spend More on Green Brands

Important takeaway:

Green brands can command higher pricesOver half of consumers’ readiness to spend more points to profitability of sustainability-oriented brands
Rebranding towards sustainability could be lucrativeAligning with eco-friendly principles may result in enhanced customer loyalty and increased revenues
Green certifications and transparency are pivotalConsumers who are willing to spend more will likely require clear evidence of a brand’s green credentials

Source:  LendingTree

66% of Shoppers Now Prioritize Environmentally Responsible Brands

Important takeaway:

Emergence of sustainability as a key differentiatorThe majority of shoppers’ preference shows eco-consciousness as a decisive factor in brand choice
Imperative for brands to incorporate sustainabilityCompanies failing to prioritize the environment risk losing a significant share of the market
Necessity of consistent and authentic green messagingShoppers prioritizing green brands expect truthful communication of a brand’s environmental actions

Source: Google

44% of Population Demand Brands Prioritize Eco-Friendliness

Important takeaway:

Sustainability as a strategic business imperativeWith nearly half the population demanding eco-friendliness, brands must adapt or risk becoming irrelevant
Potential for differentiation through green initiativesBrands can capture this substantial segment by showcasing environmental responsibility
Critical role of sustainability in brand imageEco-consciousness is becoming a key factor in brand perception, affecting public relations and reputation

Source: IBM Study

Important takeaway:

Millennial-driven market shift towards green productsMillennial eco-participation indicates a generation-specific trend, impacting future market dynamics
Opportunity to build loyalty with eco-conscious millennialsBrands prioritizing sustainability can tap into this segment and foster long-term customer relationships
Essential role of education in driving sustainabilityIncreased awareness underscores the importance of continuous information dissemination about environmental impact

Source: Businesswire

PwC Survey: 50% Consumers More Eco-Friendly Than Six Months Ago

Important takeaway:

Rapid shift towards environmental consciousnessThe considerable change in a short timeframe indicates accelerated adoption of eco-friendly habits
Importance of constant market reevaluationThe fast-paced shift underscores the need for continuous market analysis to adapt strategies
Emergence of sustainability as a consumer standardHalf the consumers now consider eco-friendliness as a significant factor, suggesting a new norm in consumer behavior

Source: PWC

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