25+ Must-Know Facebook Statistics For Businesses in 2024

Facebook is still a game-changer for businesses looking to connect with their audience and boost growth. With over 3.04 billion monthly active users, its reach is unmatched.

But just how powerful is Facebook for businesses? 

With that in mind, we’ll cover key Facebook stats you need to know to get a clearer picture.

Facebook Statistics For Businesses (Infographic)

Facebook Statistics For Businesses: Key Numbers

  • 93% of businesses are active on Facebook. 
  • Over 200 million businesses are on Facebook.
  • 3 million businesses actively advertise on Facebook.
  • There are over 60 million active business pages.
  • About 40 million businesses are actively using Facebook Messenger.
  • 10 million advertisers are actively promoting their products and services on Facebook.
  • 93% of marketers use Facebook ads regularly.
  • 62% of brands believe Facebook provides a positive ROI..
  • 89% of marketers around the world are utilizing Facebook.

Sources: (Facebook, SocialPilot, Statista, Hootsuite , Statista)

How Many Businesses are on Facebook

Around 200 million small businesses are on Facebook. This shows how important Facebook is for these businesses to reach customers, promote their products, and grow.

With so many people using Facebook, it’s a key platform for small businesses to connect and engage with their audience.

How Many Businesses are on Facebook

Facebook Users Statistics That Businesses Must Know

Trying to get your business noticed on Facebook? You need to know who’s using it. Who’s scrolling the most? What’s the gender mix like? Get these answers and more to boost your marketing:

  • Facebook currently has 3.07 billion monthly active users.
  • There are 250.2 million Americans using Facebook, and this number is expected to rise to 262.8 million by 2028.
  • In the US, 24.2% of Facebook users are aged 25-34, while 18.6% are aged 18-24.
  • On Facebook, 56.8% of the users are male, while 43.2% are female.
  • 98.5% of people on Facebook connect through a mobile device.
Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 4th quarter 2023

Sources: (Statista, Bind Media)

Facebook Advertising & Marketing Statistics For Business

Ever wondered if Facebook ads really work? Or how many businesses actually use them? Here’s a bunch of interesting stuff about Facebook advertising and marketing. These stats might surprise you:

  • Facebook has over 10 million active advertisers.
  • 93% of marketers use Facebook advertising regularly.
  • Facebook ads reach 62.2% of the US population starting at age 13.
  • The average cost-per-click for Facebook ads is $1.72.
  • The average cost per action (CPA) on Facebook ads is $18.68.
  • Facebook ads convert at an average rate of 9.21%.
  • Facebook ad click-through rates average 0.90%.
  • The typical Facebook user clicks on 12 ads each month.
  • 40% of businesses claim Facebook is their most profitable ad platform.
  • 29% of marketers worldwide say Facebook gives the best ROI among social platforms.
Facebook Ad Revenue (2017-2027)

Sources: (Staista, Wordstream, HubSpot, Oberlo, Search Logistics, Webfx)

Facebook Messenger Statistics For Business

Are you taking advantage of Facebook Messenger for your business? See how it changes customer interactions and boosts engagement. Curious about how Messenger affects customer behavior? Want to know how it compares to email marketing? Check out these eye-opening stats:

  • There are 40 million monthly active businesses using Facebook Messenger.
  • There are 1.3 billion people using Messenger each month.

66% of online adults are more likely to buy from businesses they can reach through messaging.

  • Marketing on Facebook Messenger can be 10X to 80X times more engaging than email..
  • Messages on Facebook can achieve open rates of 88% and click-through rates of 56%.
  • 74% of adults feel connected to businesses they can message directly.
  • 375,000 users interact with bots on Messenger daily.
  • Marketers can now reach 105 million more users with Facebook Messenger ads.
Number of Facebook Messenger users in the United States from 2018 to 2022

Sources: (Facebook, Search Engine Journal, DataReportal, Facebook)

Facebook Story Statistics For Business

Businesses can really benefit from using Facebook Stories. Do stories make people more interested in brands or help them decide to buy something? How do stories help people feel closer to brands? Check out these stats to learn more:

  • More than 300 million people use Facebook Stories and Messenger Stories every day.
  • 62% of users say stories spark their interest in brands or products after seeing it in a story.

50% user said they went to buy something after seeing a business's story.

  • 38% of people said they told someone about a product or service they saw in a Facebook story.
  • 34% of people went to a store to find something they saw in a story.
  • 69% of people think stories are an awesome way for brands to introduce new products or services.
  • 31% of people said they'll probably use stories more to connect with their favorite brands in the future.
  • 50% of the story users said it made them feel closer to the brands.

Sources: (Facebook, )

Facebook Video Statistics For Business

Businesses love using Facebook videos for marketing, and it shows. Wondering just how good Facebook is for video marketing or how much time people spend watching? Here are some key facts:

71% of marketers believe Facebook is an effective platform for video marketing.

  • On average, Facebook videos get a 0.06% engagement rate.
  • Around 50% of users' time on Facebook is spent watching videos.
  • A whopping 87% of social video ad spending in the U.S. goes to Facebook.
Average engagement with Facebook videos worldwide in H1 2020, by video type
Source: Statista

Sources: (Sprout Social, Social Chameleon, Linkedin)

Facebook Shopping Statistics: Why Facebook Matters for Business

How does Facebook impact what people buy? Check out these stats to see how many users are shopping on the platform and what it means for their purchasing decisions:

  • 19% of American online shoppers begin their shopping journey on Facebook.
  • 44% of Facebook users admit that the platform influences their shopping choices.

78% of people in the U.S. have bought stuff they found on Facebook.

  • 15% of people who use Facebook also shop there.
  • 37% of Facebook users will make a purchase on the platform in 2023.
Retail and consumer merchandise brands with the most Facebook fans
Source: Staista

Sources: (Insider Intelligence, Social Pilot, Kleiner Perkins, Neal Schaffer)

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