Based on the data we gathered, we calculated that the average time spent on Facebook per day is approximately 35.86 minutes. This value is an average calculated from 7 different studies containing average time spent on Facebook statistics.

Findings: Average time spent on Facebook per day is approximately 35.86 minutes, which is roughly 18 hours monthly.

Average time spent on Facebook Studies And Published Sources:

30.2 minutes Insider Intelligence 2023

33 minutes Statista 2022 

37 minutes eMarketer 2021

33 minutes Statista 2021

38 minutes eMarketer 2020

32 minutes Fonquito 2018-2021

38 minutes eMarketer 2019

38 minutes Mix Bloom 2018

27 minutes Motley Fool 2018

38 minutes eMarketer 2028

41 minutes Mix Bloom 2017

41 minutes eMarketer 2017

40 minutes eMarketer 2016

Why is this list being compiled?

We compiled this list because there have been numerous studies conducted on this topic, each with a different set of numbers. 

So we decided to compile all of the published sources and studies in order to calculate the average time spent on Facebook and understand the true state of Facebook usage. 

Also, it will be important to marketers to know how users spend time on the platform, and finally, it will be simpler to source these numbers than all of the studies and published sources.

Average Time Spent on Facebook Statistics: Key Findings

  • The average time spent on Facebook per day is 35.86 minutes
  • The average time spent on Facebook is 18 hours per month
  • 73% of Facebook users say they access the platform daily.

Average Time Spent On Facebook Per Day

The average time spent on Facebook per day is 35.86 minutes, according to a recent report from eMarketer. This study also found that the average person spends more than two hours a day on social media. That’s a lot of time! 

And it’s not only teenagers that spend all of their time on social media; adults do as well. In fact, the study discovered that social media use has increased across the board across all age groups over the last decade.

How Much Time is Spent on Facebook Every Month

According to a recent study, the average time spent on Facebook is 16.5 hours per month. This figure includes time spent scrolling through the news feed, checking notifications, messaging friends, and posting updates. 

How Much Time is Spent on Facebook Every Month

It doesn’t include time spent on other activities, such as playing games or using Facebook-owned apps like Instagram and WhatsApp. The 16.5 hour figure is just an average, so some people spend more time on Facebook than others.

How Much Time Do People Spend On Facebook

How Much Time Do People Spend On Facebook

A recent study found that 35.86 minutes is the average amount of time people spend on Facebook daily. That figure may not seem like much, but it adds up to 3 hours and 51 minutes per week, and a whopping 16 hours and 30 minutes per month.

This research was conducted by eMarketer and it says that the usage of Facebook is still growing despite all the data privacy concerns that the social media company has been facing. The average amount of time spent on Facebook has gone up from 33 minutes in 2019 to 35 minutes in 2020. But, the 35 minute figure for 2020 is go down to 33 minutes by 2022 according to the latest report. 

Facebook Active Users by the Numbers

Facebook Active Users by the Numbers

Facebook continues to be the king of social media, with 2.93 billion monthly active users as of the first quarter of 2022. That’s an increase of 9 percent from the same period last year. 

What’s more, Facebook also has 1.93 billion daily active users, meaning that more than half of all monthly active users are logging on every day. And that number is also up 9 percent from a year ago. The bottom line: Facebook continues to grow in popularity and usage, making it a powerful platform for both individuals and businesses.

Average Time Spent On Facebook By Years

YearsAverge Time Spent (Minute)

Average Time Spent Per Session On Facebook

Average Time Spent Per Session On Facebook

According to a recent study by Verto Analytics, the average time spent per session on Facebook is 4.82 minutes. This figure has remained relatively stable over the past few years, even as the platform has added new features such as live streaming and instant messenger. 

While 4.82 minutes may not seem like a lot of time, it adds up quickly – over the course of a month, the average Facebook user spends nearly 17 hours on the site per month. 

Yet, with over 2 billion active users, this implies that Facebook receives billions of hours of attention every single month.

How Often User Access Facebook

How Often User Access Facebook

A recent study found that 73% of Facebook users say they access the platform daily, while 17% say they access it weekly and 12% say they access it less frequently. The average time spent per session is 33 minutes. 

The study also found that 41% of users ages 18-24 check Facebook several times a day, while only 24% of users ages 25-34 do the same. Facebook has become an integral part of many people’s lives, with 73% of users saying they would be disappointed if they could not login to the site. 

For many people, Facebook is a way to stay in touch with friends and family, share news and experiences, and keep up with current events. Facebook is clearly here to stay, with over 2.93 billion monthly active users.

Frequency of Facebook Use

Frequency Total Percentage of Users
Source: Audiencproject

Average Daily Time Spent On Social Media 2017-2022

Total Number Of Mobile Daily Active Users

Facebook boasts 1.96 billion daily active users, with 1.57 billion accessing the site from a mobile device on a monthly basis. That’s an increase of 22 percent year-over-year. The company reported 1.96 billion DAUs for the first quarter of 2022, which represents about 66 percent of Facebook’s 2.93 billion total MAUs

In the fourth quarter of 2016, mobile accounted for 84 percent of Facebook’s ad revenue. The social network is clearly benefiting from the growing trend of people using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. With more than 1.9 billion people now using Facebook on a mobile device every day, it’s safe to say that the trend shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Final Thoughts

As you can see from the data, average time spent on Facebook has been steadily declining over the last few years.  This is likely due to a number of factors, including: the increasing popularity of other social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, the fact that people are spending more and more time on their phones in general, and a growing awareness of how much time we spend online.

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