10 Storytelling Statistics That Marketers Need to Know [2023 Relevant]

I’ve compiled a list of insightful storytelling statistics; a brief overview is provided below.

Storytelling Statistics For Marketers: Key Numbers

  • Storytelling can boost conversions by a whopping 30%.
  • Storytelling increases the value of products by up to 2,706%.
  • Branded stories result in a 4% increase in trust and brand connection.
  • 68% of consumers say brand stories influence their purchasing decisions.
  • Companies with compelling brand stories see a 20% increase in customer loyalty.
  • Stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone.
  • 62% of B2B marketers consider storytelling to be an effective content marketing tactic. tactic.
  • 55% of people say they would consider purchasing from a brand after reading a compelling story.
  • 92% of consumers want brands to create ads that feel like stories.
  • 75% of customers believe that brands should use storytelling in their marketing.

Sources: (Search Engine Watch, Sprout Worth, The Brand Shop, Stanford University, Digital School of Marketing, 

#1. Storytelling Boosts Conversions by a Remarkable 30%.

Source: Search Engine Watch

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Slade Copyhouse, Marketing Words, Search Engine Watch, Linkedin, Go-Globe, The Creative Momentum, Hubspot, Cb Insights, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Storytelling boosts conversions.30% uplift in outcomes.
Story-driven campaigns are effective.Tangible impact on results.
Prioritize narrative in marketing.Significant return on approach.

#2. Product Value Skyrockets 2,706% Through Storytelling.

Source: Sprout Worth

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Brand Storytelling, Sproutworth, The Brand Shop, Go-Globe, Sarah Klongerbo, Soocial, Medium, Linkedin, Business Of Story, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Storytelling greatly enhances product value.Monumental 2,706% value surge.
Narrative integration is a powerful value driver.Unprecedented uplift in worth.
Elevate product appeal with stories.Value proposition drastically rises.

#3. Branded Stories Amplify Trust, Boosting Brand Connection by 4%.

Source: The Brand Shop

Significance of the Data: Medium

Mentioned By: Thebrandshopbw, Mit Sloan Management Review, Digital School Of Marketing, Soocial, Linkedin, Forbes, Go-Globe, Good Tales, Researchgate, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Branded stories foster trust.4% rise in brand trust.
Story-infused branding strengthens connection.Demonstrable increase in loyalty.
Narratives solidify brand relationship.Measurable trust enhancement.

#4. 68% of Shoppers: Brand Narratives Influence Purchase Choices.

68% of consumers say brand stories influence their purchasing decisions

Source: The Brand Shop

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: The Brand Shop Bw, Afaqs, Dalziel-Pow, Linkedin, Moz, Ad Age, Research Gate, Oberlo, Social Media Today, Survey Monkey, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Brand stories majorly drive purchase decisions.68% of consumers influenced.
Narratives have paramount sway on consumer choices.Direct impact on buying behavior.
Investing in brand storytelling yields purchase power.Most consumers factor in narratives.

#5. Engaging Brand Tales Elevate Customer Loyalty by 20%.

Source: The Brand Shop

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: The brand shop bw, Persona design, Linkedin, Market splash, Marketing Insider Group, Edesk, Lunio, Research Gate, Toptal, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Compelling stories enhance customer loyalty.20% rise in devoted clientele.
A strong narrative cements customer allegiance.Tangible loyalty boost observed.
Narrative strength directly boosts brand fidelity.Clear correlation with loyalty uptick.

#6. Narratives Trump Facts: Stories Resonate 22 Times More.

Source: Stanford University

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Patience Davies, Stanford University, Forbes, John Millen, Medium, Fipp, Linkedin, Marketing Profs, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Stories vastly outperform facts in retention.22-fold memory enhancement seen.
Embedding facts in narratives ensures recall.Exponential increase in memorability.
Prioritize storytelling for optimal information retention.Dramatic difference from facts alone.

#7. 62% of B2B Marketers: Storytelling a Top Content Strategy.

Source: Digital School of Marketing

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: Nutcracker Agency, Search Engine Watch, Ahrefs, Digital School Of Marketing, Linkedin, Zoominfo, Logiclogicmagic, Sendpulse, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
B2B marketers prioritize storytelling.62% validate its marketing efficacy.
Storytelling is pivotal in B2B content strategy.Significant marketer endorsement.
The narrative approach is central for B2B success.Over half of marketers affirm its role.

#8. Compelling Stories Persuade 55% of Readers to Consider Purchase.


Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: Raine Digital, Olsen Metrix, The Brand Shop Bw, The Drum, Canto, Market Smiths, Zapier, and more. 

What does the data SuggestJustification
Compelling stories boost purchase intent.55% potential buyer conversion.
Narratives significantly influence purchase considerations.Over half the audience swayed.
Brands should harness storytelling for sales leverage.Clear correlation to buyer inclination.