Search Engine Statistics 2023: Usage, Users & More (Updated)

Search engines, pivotal to web navigation, channel a whopping 93% of all web traffic. 

Search engines handle 2.2 trillion queries annually, and 68% of online experiences normally start with the search engine.

Acknowledging this, let me share with you the most crucial search engine statistics that you need to know immediately, without delay. πŸŒπŸ”

Search Engine Statistics

  • 93% of all web traffic comes through search engines.
  • Approximately 2.2 trillion search queries are processed by all search engines each year.
  • As of April 2023, Google controls 92.82% of the search engine market.
  • 68 percent of the online experiences normally start with the search engine.
  • Google processes over 8.5 billion searches every day.
  • 45.25% of first-page clicks come from Google Search.
  • Latest December 2021 global search engine market share as follow: Google(91.94%), Bing(2.86%), Yahoo(1.5%), Baidu(1.37%), Yandex(1.1%), DuckDuckGo(0.67%), and all others(0.47%).
  • Google captures 78% of desktop search traffic and 89% of mobile search traffic.
  • Google process 63,000 search per second, 3.8 million search per minute, 5.6 billion searches per day, and approximately 2 trillion searches each year.
  • Yahoo process 63.65 thousand search per minute, 2.75 billion search per months33 billion in year globally.
  • Bing process 121 thousand search per minute, 5.24 billion search per months, 62.92 billion in year globally.
  • 85 percent of those who use Bing search engine are from the United States
  • 46% of all Google searches are linked to something nearby.
  • YouTube is the second largest search engine with 3 billion searches every month

Search Engine Usage Statistics

  • Estimated 5.06 billion people globally use search engines, which is 64.4% of the world population.
  • 85 percent of those who use the Bing search engine are from the United States.
  • 68 percent of online experiences begin with search engines.
  • Approximately 2.2 trillion search queries are processed by all search engines each year.
  • Google processes 5.6 billion searches per day.
  • Yahoo processes 2.75 billion searches per month.
  • Bing processes 5.25 billion searches per month.
  • At least once a month, 98% of internet users use a conventional search engine. 
  • Google processes over 8.5 billion searches every day. 
  • DuckDuckGo has a 0.52% market share of search engines worldwide as of April 2023. 

Google Search Engine Statistics 

  • Google currently controls over 80% of the global search market.
  • The world’s most visited website is Google.
  • 78% of desktop and 89% of mobile search traffic is dominated by Google (99 firms).
  • Approximately 63,000 search queries per second are processed by Google (99 firms).
  • A market share of 2.71% is held by Bing (99 firms).
  • Google is able to capture almost 95% of mobile traffic (Hubspot).
  • Yahoo! currently has a market share of 1.1% (Statcounter).
  • These statistics demonstrate user behavior, internet search trends, and Google’s dominance in the search engine market (Oberlo).

Google vs Other Search Engines Statistics

  • Every Second search engine process: Google (63k queries), Bing(2k queries), Yahoo(1.1k queries),
  • Every Minutes search engine process: Google(3.8M queries), Bing(121k queries), Yahoo(64k queries)
  • Google accounts for more than 70 percent of all worldwide desktop search traffic this year
  • 63 percent of visits on Google search engine from the United States are via mobile

Mobile Search Statistics: Key Numbers

  • Almost 60% of all online searches are now conducted on a mobile device.
  • Mobile searchers are 2.3 times more likely to buy in-store.
  • Currently, 67.81% of web visits in the United States are mobile.
  • Google controls 93.68% of the mobile search engine market. 
  • 63% of visits from organic search come from a mobile device.
  • 70% of mobile searchers who recently bought something have clicked to call a business from the search results page.
  • 80% of shoppers used their phones while in a store to look up product reviews, compare prices, or find an alternative store.
  • Over 51% of smartphone users have found a new company or product through a search.
  • 30% of mobile searches are location-based.

Source: (Hitwise, Oberlo, Daily Blogging, John Wiley & Sons, Merkle Inc, Inside AdWords, OuterBox, Make A Website Hub, Think with Google.)

  • 19% of SERPs have featured snippets.  
  • A featured snippet can increase CTR by more than 850%.
  • 70% of snippets are pulled from the results outside of the first organic position.
  • On average, a Featured Snippet gets about 8.6% of all clicks on a SERP.
  • 99.58% of feature snippets come from pages that are ranked in the top 10 results.
  • 70% of the results snippet is paragraphs, 19.1% lists, 6.3% tables, and 4.6% videos.
  • The first organic result gets 20% of clicks in SERPs with features snippets, but 26% in those without. 
  • 7.3% of SERPs have double-featured snippets.
  • A featured snippet covers 50% of the average mobile screen.
  • 40 to 50 words, or 300 characters, is the ideal featured snippet paragraph length.