10+ Branding Statistics & Trends For Marketers

I’ve compiled a list of insightful branding statistics and trends for marketers; a brief overview is provided below.

Branding Statistics

  • Brand consistency can boost revenue by up to 23%.
  • Customers who feel connected to a brand are 52% more valuable to a business than those who don’t.
  • With good branding, hiring and training costs can go down by up to 50%.
  • 46% of people are willing to pay more for goods and services from brands they trust.
  • Color can increase brand recognition by up to 80%.
  • 77% of marketing executives believe branding is critical to growth.
  • 83% of marketers believe that authenticity is important to their brands.
  • 48% of consumers become brand loyal after their first purchase or experience.
  • 71% of consumers are more likely to buy from a social media-followed brand.
  • Branding can increase click through rate (CTR) on your online ads by 2-3x.

Sources: (Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Linkedin, Salsify, WebFX, Nosto, Telia Agency.)

How Many Brands Are there in the World

How Many Brands Are there in the World 2022

Research from Nielsen Media, listed over 500,000 (half a million) brands in the world with more than 2000 product categories. This number is always changing as businesses come and go. It’s difficult to estimate an exact number because of all the different types of brands there are (local, national, international, etc.). But this gives you a general idea.

#1. Branding Consistency Boosts Revenue by 23%

Source: Forbes

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: PR Newswire, Advertising Week, Inc, 15 Below, Pivotal Advisors, Funnel Amplified, Frontify, Influencer Marketing Hub, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Prioritize branding consistency.Strong brand uniformity drives revenue growth.
Invest in regular brand audits.Inconsistent branding can erode potential earnings.
Train teams on branding guidelines.Ensured compliance boosts financial outcomes.

#2. Connected Customers 52% More Valuable to Businesses

Customers who are connected to a brand are 52% more valuable to a business than those who aren't

Source: Harvard Business Review

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Zippia, Spiralytics, Kadince, Linkedin, Sprout Social, The Brand Leader, Junglebee, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Cultivate brand connections with customers.Engaged customers directly enhance business value.
Focus on customer engagement strategies.Depth of brand loyalty is tied to heightened revenue.
Prioritize feedback and interaction.Building bonds maximizes customer’s lifetime value.

#3. Strong Branding Slashes Hiring Costs by 50%

Source: Linkedin

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: CareerArc Social Recruiting, Proactive Talent, Page Personnel, Gohire, HubSpot, Glassdoor, Zippia, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Elevate the company’s branding strategies.Robust branding reduces operational expenditure.
Prioritize brand awareness in recruitment.Strong brand recognition streamlines hiring processes.
Incorporate brand values into training modules.Employees align quicker with a clear, well-branded ethos.

#4. 46% Consumers Pay More for Trusted Brands

46% of consumers will pay more for products and services from trusted brands

Source: Salsify

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: Supply Gem, Oberlo, Food Industry Executive, Forbes, Exposure, Linkedin, Iq Metrix, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Build and maintain brand trust as a top priority.Trustworthiness significantly impacts purchasing decisions.
Invest in transparent customer communication.Clear dialogue enhances brand credibility and loyalty.
Monitor and uphold product and service quality.Consistency in quality solidifies brand trust and value.

#5. Color Enhances Brand Recognition by 80%

Source: Forbes

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: LinkedIn, Reboot Online, Insights 4 Print, Ceo Today Magazine, Ux Design, Econsultancy, Infographics Archive, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Prioritize color consistency in branding efforts.Distinctive colors heighten brand recall and loyalty.
Invest in color psychology research for branding.Strategic color choices amplify brand differentiation.
Ensure brand materials maintain color uniformity.Consistent color usage fortifies brand identity.

#6. 77% of Marketing Leaders: Branding Key to Growth

Source: WebFX

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Templafy, Linkedin, Marq, Colorl Ib, Allegra Marketing Print, Venngage, Visme, Protocol 80, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Elevate branding as a central strategy in marketing plans.Top marketers associate branding directly with expansion.
Allocate substantial resources to brand development.Acknowledging its importance maximizes growth potential.
Foster continuous dialogue with branding experts.Expert insights ensure sustained brand relevance and impact.

#7. 83% of Marketers: Brand Authenticity Vital

Source: Nosto

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Social Media Today, Business Wire, Think Thrive, Market Splash, Startup Bonsai, Frontify, Merlot Marketing, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Prioritize brand authenticity in marketing strategies.Genuine representation drives trust and consumer loyalty.
Engage in practices that bolster brand genuineness.Authenticity differentiates in saturated markets.
Foster open communication with audiences for feedback.Continuous dialogue maintains brand’s authentic resonance.

#8. 48% Become Brand Loyal After First Experience

Source: Telia Agency

Significance of the Data: Medium

Mentioned By: JSTOR, PwC, Coniq, Market Splash, Marketing Charts, Telia Agency, Martech, Toluna Corporate, Goodway Group, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Concentrate on delivering an exceptional initial brand experience.The first interaction is pivotal for cultivating brand loyalty.
Optimize the onboarding process for first-time customers.Early positive experiences solidify long-term consumer allegiance.
Invest in feedback mechanisms post initial purchase or interaction.Immediate insights can refine and enhance initial touchpoints.