10+ Essential Gen Z Statistics For Businesses & Marketing

I’ve compiled a list of insightful Gen Z statistics and trends for marketing statistics; a brief overview is provided below.

Gen Z Marketing Statistics: Key Numbers

  • Gen Z’s spending power is $360 billion. 
  • 81% of Gen Zers prefer personalized ads, vs. 57% of Millennials and 42% of Boomers.
  • Gen Z shoppers shop 2X more on mobile than Millennials.
  • Over 60% of Gen Z shoppers bought products they saw on social media.
  • 73% of Generation Z follow one or more brands on social media.
  • 32% of Gen Zers discover brands and products through social media influencers. 
  • 59% of respondents say they trust the brands with which they grew up.
  • Currently, 94% of Generation Z use social media.
  • 48% of Gen Z have made a second-person word-of-mouth recommendation.
  • 68% of Gen Z want all brands to help society.

Sources: (Bloomberg L.P., Unsupervised, Forbes, Kargo Commerce, Hootsuite, PR Newswire, Marketing Charts, Morning Consult, Convince & Convert, Meta.)

Gen Z Social Media Usage

  • Approximately, 94% of Gen Z use social media today.
  • 61.1 million Gen Zers in the United States are active social media users
  • The average Gen Z spends 2 hours and 43 minutes on social media every day.
  • 50% of Gen Z use social media daily.
  • The average Gen Z’er spends more than 10.6  hours online each day.

#1. Gen Z Spending Power Hits $360 Billion Landmark.

Source: Bloomberg L.P.

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Influencer Marketing Hub, Gen Z Planet, Forbes, Pr Newswire, Agility Pr Solutions, Restaurant, The Shelf, You Appi, Financial Post, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Gen Z is a primary market segment.Their purchasing power is substantial, necessitating targeted marketing efforts.
Businesses must adapt to Gen Z preferences.Ignoring this demographic could mean missing out on a $360 billion spending capability.
Investment in Gen Z-focused research is crucial.Understanding their purchasing behavior can provide a competitive edge in the market.

#2. 81% of Gen Z Crave Personalized Ads, Millennials at 57%.

Source: Unsupervised

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Smart Brief, Sheer Id, PR Newswire, Hubspot, S&P Global, Real Estate Witch, Data Axle, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Gen Z highly values personalized ad experiences.With 81% preferring tailored ads, it’s evident that personalization resonates deeply with this cohort.
Millennials are transitional in ad personalization preference.Their 57% preference indicates a shift in generational expectations, bridging older and younger cohorts.
Baby Boomers are less receptive to personalized ads.At 42%, businesses might consider traditional advertising methods when targeting this group.

#3. Gen Z Twice as Likely to Shop Via Mobile Than Millennials.

Source: Forbes

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: HubSpot, Epsilon, 99 Firms, Hootsuite, Wpromote, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Gen Z’s primary shopping tool is the mobile device.The fact that they are twice as likely to use mobiles indicates a deep integration of mobile technology in their purchasing habits.
Millennials still utilize a mix of platforms for shopping.Their varied approach requires businesses to maintain multi-platform strategies.
There’s an urgent need to optimize mobile shopping experiences.Focusing on mobile-first strategies will cater to the dominant Gen Z consumer trend.

#4. 60% of Gen Z Buy After Viewing on Social Media.

Source: Kargo Commerce

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Statista, Rosa Rodrigues, Mobile Marketing Magazine, Survey Monkey, Hootsuite, Mckinsey & Company, Voyado, HubSpot, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Social media greatly influences Gen Z’s purchasing decisions.Over half of this cohort’s shopping choices are directly impacted by what they see online.
Social media marketing is imperative for targeting Gen Z.With 60% propensity, neglecting this platform could mean missing out on significant sales opportunities.
Brands should intertwine social media with e-commerce strategies.Leveraging social platforms can drive product visibility and ultimately conversions among Gen Z shoppers.

#5. 73% of Gen Zers Actively Follow Brands on Social Platforms.

73% of Gen Z follow one or more brands on social media

Source: Hootsuite

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: 99 Firms, Retail Dive, Sprout Social, Influencer Marketing Hub, Amber Student, Survey Monkey, Wpromote, Insider Intelligence, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Gen Z actively engages with brands on social platforms.With nearly three-quarters following brands, it’s evident they seek brand interactions online.
Brands must maintain a compelling social media presence.A substantial 73% engagement rate suggests brands can’t afford to neglect this medium.
Leveraging social media for brand loyalty is key.By fostering genuine connections on these platforms, brands can solidify their relationship with Gen Z consumers.

#6. One in Three Gen Z Turn to Influencers for Brand Discovery.

Source: PR Newswire

Significance of the Data: Medium

Mentioned By: Influencer Marketing Hub, Retail Dive, Chain Storeage, Net Influencer, Marketingdive, 99firms, Content Marketing Institute, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Gen Z values influencer recommendations in their discovery process.Nearly a third of this demographic consults influencers, highlighting their trust in such figures.
Brands should collaborate with influencers for visibility.The 32% figure underscores the potential reach and impact of influencer partnerships.
Influencer marketing is not just a trend but a strategy.To effectively tap into Gen Z’s market segment, integrating influencer campaigns is paramount.

#7. Trust Prevails: 59% Stay Loyal to Childhood Brands.

59% of respondents say they trust the brands they've grown up with

Source: Marketing Charts

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: Edelman, Usa Today, Business Wire, Sprout Social, Sales Force, Word Stream, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Legacy brands have a built-in trust advantage.The majority’s trust in familiar brands underscores the value of long-standing brand equity.
Brands should focus on long-term relationship building.With 59% leaning towards familiar names, sustained brand loyalty initiatives are pivotal.
Evolution without brand identity dilution is key.While innovating, brands should retain core attributes that resonate with loyal customers.

#8. Whopping 94% of Gen Z Engaged in Social Media Activity.

Source: Morning Consult

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Search Engine Journal, Oberlo, Influencer Marketing Hub, Statista, Insense, Juv Consulting, Forbes, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Gen Z’s presence on social media is almost ubiquitous.A staggering 94% usage rate demonstrates their deep integration with these platforms.
Businesses must prioritize social media in their strategies.Given this significant percentage, a lack of presence can be detrimental to brand visibility.
Social media is no longer optional for reaching Gen Z.Its overwhelming use by this demographic emphasizes its role as a primary communication and engagement channel.