Power of 360 degree Product Photos (7 Statistics & Data)

360-degree product photography has a big impact on ecommerce businesses. 

How can spinning a product around in pictures change customer behavior? When customers see a product from all angles, they’re more likely to buy it. Studies show a boost in engagement and sales as well. 

With that in mind, we’ll dive into the key numbers behind this powerful tool.

360 Degree Product Photography (infographics)

The Power of 360 Degree Product Photography – Key Numbers

  • 47% increase in conversion rates for businesses that integrated 360-degree views.
  • 360-degree product photos increase sales by up to 40%.
  • Add-to-cart rates can be increased by 22% when using 360-degree product images.
  • 15% to 50% fewer product returns occur when a product page features 360-degree product photography.
  • 91% of customers want the ability to rotate products in a full 360-degree circle.
importance of 360 Degree Product Photography key figure

Sources: (1 World Sync, Spyne, Practical Ecommerce, Lifesight)

360 Degree Product Photo on Customer Satisfaction and Engagement

360-degree product photos can seriously boost customer satisfaction and engagement. These interactive images keep potential buyers interested longer and make the shopping experience way better. Check out these stats showing how 360-degree photography impacts customer behavior:

  • 360-degree product photos can boost customer satisfaction by up to 50%.
  • 360-degree product photography increases the online duration of potential buyers from 32% to 50%.
  • 360 photography increases customer engagement by 32%.
  • 360-degree product photos improve the shopping experience by 17%.
360 Degree Product Photo on Customer Satisfaction and Engagement

Sources: (Clipping Path Studio, Understanding Ecommerce) 

360-degree product photos let customers see items from all angles, making online shopping feel more like being in a store. This can make people happier with their purchases and more likely to stay on the website longer. Businesses could add features like zooming in or clicking on parts of the photo to learn more about the product. This way, shoppers get a closer look and might be more likely to buy.