Do you want to write for us?

Renolon welcomes your thoughts and ideas. 

If you are interested or have knowledge that you want  to share with our audience that are interested in small business, digital marketing, Small Business Technology, Payroll or anything highly relevant to business, marketing then we would like to hear from you.

Note: Article must be on small business, small business finance, business marketing, business social media, Business technology, and more.

Currently, we are only accepting guest posts related to Business Payroll topics only.

If you want to write for us then please read the instructions before submitting your content to

Before you read the instructions, please learn a little bit more about Renolon and its audience. 

What do we do

  • We provide accurate insights into small business, small business marketing, and business finance.
  • We offer helpful tips and guides for small businesses.
  • We provides up-to-date statistics and information on a variety of topics

Our target audience 

  • People who want to learn about small business, business marketing, business social media, and software.
  • People who are interested in statistics and data about business, marketing, social media. 
  • People who want to start a side hustle or start work from home. 

Instruction in General for Guest Post

  • Article or post must compelling to our reader 
  • Written in blog friendly style.
  • Article must be SEO optimized for search engine ranking. (Do some research)
  • Include relevant subtopics in the article.
  • Only include relevant resources. You can also use quotes and backlinks to personal websites or resources.
  • Easy to Read and understand. 
  • Content must be between 1000 – 2000 words.
  • Use royalty free images.
  • Article must be submit in Google Docs
  • We do not publish Promotional post 

Article Writing and Formatting

  • Must be written in Google Docs
  • 1000 word or more
  • Make sure to provide  grammatical errors free content
  • Use a proper heading tag.
  • Use royalty free images.

And please do not send your content to if you do not meet the criteria. 

Current Acceptable Blog Post Title

Currently, we are only accepting guest posts related to Business Payroll topics only.

What is Guest Posting and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Guest posting has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to get their message out to a wider audience.

But what exactly is guest posting, why is it important, and how can it benefit your business?

What Is Guest Posting?

Guest posting is simply creating content for other websites or blogs and then having them post it on their site in exchange for a link back to your own website (or product/service).

This kind of content marketing strategy helps you gain visibility on other sites and can help expand your reach. It also helps build relationships with other bloggers and website owners who might be interested in promoting your own services or products.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Guest posting is a great way to leverage your content, increase your website’s visibility, and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

It can be intimidating to put yourself out there, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Let’s take a look at five of the benefits of guest posting. 

1. Increased Visibility & Brand Awareness

When you write high-quality articles for other websites, you are exposing yourself to an entirely new audience. This means that more people will discover your brand, learn about what you have to offer, and potentially become customers or clients.

Writing on other websites also helps build links back to your website, which can help improve your search engine rankings and drive even more traffic to your site. 

2. Establish Yourself as an Authority

People want to work with experts in their field so why not be one? By writing guest posts on popular blogs within your niche, you can gain credibility and showcase your expertise in the industry.

Doing this will build trust among potential customers and help you stand out from the competition. 

3. Networking Opportunities

Publishing guest posts provide a great opportunity for networking with other professionals in your industry as well as influencers who may have larger followings than yours.

As you begin to establish relationships with these people through guest posting, they may be willing to share information about upcoming projects or events that could benefit both of you! 

4. Build Your Portfolio & Increase Your Exposure

Writing for different sites gives you a chance to add more samples of work to your portfolio and increase your exposure across multiple platforms.

Having examples of work published in various places makes it easier for potential employers or clients to find and assess how well you write which can lead directly to job offers! 

5. Get Feedback & Improve Your Skills

Getting feedback on something before it’s published is invaluable, especially when it comes from experienced writers or editors who understand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to blogging writing or article writing in general.

They can provide useful comments on how you can improve certain aspects of what you wrote so that it is more effective overall giving readers better value while also building up their trust in your credentials as a writer!  


Guest post writing is an invaluable tool for businesses that want to increase their visibility online and establish themselves as experts in their industry.

Not only does it help boost search engine rankings but it also helps build relationships with other bloggers and website owners who may be interested in promoting your products or services down the line.

By taking advantage of guest post writing opportunities, businesses can grow their online presence quickly while simultaneously building trust with potential customers.