9+ Must-Know Baby Boomer Statistics For Businesses & Marketing

I’ve compiled a list of insightful Baby Boomer statistics and trends for marketing Statistics; a brief overview is provided below.

Baby Boomer Statistics: Key Facts For Marketers

  • About 71 million Americans are baby boomers.
  • Baby boomers control 51% of all wealth in the United States.
  • Baby boomers control $2.6 trillion and account for more than 70% of US disposable income.
  • Baby boomers are 15% more likely to switch brands than Generation X.
  • 88% of baby boomers buy groceries in-store.
  • 69% of baby boomers prefer brands to contact them via email. 
  • Baby boomers spend 1 hour and 48 minutes per day on Facebook and Instagram.
  • 82.3% of baby boomers use at least one social media site.
  • In 2021, 90% of baby boomers said they had shopped online in the previous 12 months.
  • 96% of baby boomers use search engines, and 95% use email.

Sources: (CarePatrol, Investopedia, Medium, Academic Star, Oberlo, Statista, DMN3, Gladly)

Key Points of Baby Boomers and Social Media

  • 82.3% of baby boomers are members of at least one social media site.
  • 78% of baby boomers are Facebook users.
  • On average, baby boomers spend 13 hours on social media per week.
  • 84% of baby boomers say that social media is likely to improve their lives.
  • Baby boomers spend around 1 hour and 48 minutes on Facebook and Instagram every day.
  • The average baby boomer spends 27 hours per week online.
  • Baby Boomers are the least likely generation to make a purchase from social media using smartphones.

What Social Media Do Baby Boomers Use

So, what social media platforms do baby boomers use?

Facebook is the most popular social media site for Baby Boomers, with 78% of those surveyed saying they use it according to the study data we collected from AudienceProject.

Youtube was a distant second, with 67% of respondents saying they use it. Instagram and Twitter lagged far behind, with only 32% and 26%, respectively, of Baby Boomers using them.

Social Media PlatfromShare of Baby Boomer
Source: AudienceProject

#1. 71 Million Baby Boomers Reside in the US.

There are about 71 million baby boomers in the US

Source: CarePatrol

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: CNBC, Britannica, Statista, The Motley Fool, Web Tribunal, Census, Pew Research Center, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Prioritize healthcare infrastructureAging population will increase demand for healthcare services.
Implement financial security measuresBaby boomers are nearing or in retirement, requiring stable support.
Focus on senior-specific services/productsSignificant market segment with unique needs and preferences.

#2. Baby Boomers Possess 51% of US Wealth.

Source: Investopedia

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: The New York Times, CNBC, Visual Capitalist, Deloitte, Investopedia, USA Facts, Bank of America, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Cater products and services towards baby boomersMajor consumer base with significant purchasing power.
Focus financial advisory services for this age groupThey possess wealth and require management assistance.
Analyze investment trends of baby boomersUnderstanding their preferences can guide market strategies.

#3. Boomers Control $2.6 Trillion, 70% of US Disposable Income.

Source: Medium

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: Linkedin, Buxtonco, Lexington Law, Fox Business, Forbes, Health Care Success, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Tailor marketing strategies towards baby boomersTheir disposable income impacts market trends and demands.
Prioritize financial planning services for this demographicWith significant control of wealth, they need specialized advice.
Develop products aligning with their lifestyle choicesCapturing their spending power requires understanding their needs.

#4. Boomers 15% More Likely to Switch Brands Than Gen X.

Source: Academic Star

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: Wordstream, Hubspot, Super Market Perimeter, Pew Research Center, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Re-evaluate brand loyalty programs targeting boomersTheir brand-switching tendency requires more retention efforts.
Diversify advertising strategies to appeal to boomersHarnessing their flexibility can lead to increased market share.
Monitor market trends closely for brand shiftsAnticipating their switch can provide insights into evolving preferences.

#5. 88% of Boomers Prioritize In-Store Grocery Shopping.

Source: Oberlo

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: The Washington Post, Linkedin, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Super Market News, Powerreviews, Stellarising, Food Industry Executive, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Prioritize in-store shopping experiences for baby boomersThe majority prefer brick-and-mortar; their comfort zone must be catered to.
Enhance in-store customer service for this demographicA personalized touch can enhance their retail experience.
Limit aggressive push for online grocery among boomersTheir strong preference for in-store shopping indicates online might not be as effective.

#6. 69% of Boomers Favor Email Contact from Brands.

Source: Statista

Significance of the Data: Very High

Mentioned By: The Shelf, Sprout Social, Forbes, Marketing Week, Sailthru, Hubspot, Klaviyo, Ballantine, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Streamline email marketing campaigns for baby boomersThe primary channel they resonate with is email. Capitalize on it.
Ensure brand emails are optimized for older demographicsRelevant content and design can increase engagement rates.
Limit over-reliance on social media or other platforms for boomersTheir preference dictates a more traditional digital approach.

#7. Boomers Spend 108 Minutes Daily on Facebook, Instagram.

Source: Statista

Significance of the Data: Medium

Mentioned By: Forbes, Clearvoice, Thedrum, Science Direct, Provision Living, Techopedia, Gwi, Sprout Social, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Direct more targeted advertisements to boomers on these platformsTheir considerable time spent is a prime opportunity for brand visibility.
Curate content specifically tailored for the boomer demographicEngaging content can foster deeper connections with this age group.
Assess the effectiveness of campaigns on Facebook and InstagramRegular evaluation ensures continued alignment with boomer preferences.

#8. 82.3% of Baby Boomers Engage on Social Media Platforms.

Source: DMN3

Significance of the Data: High

Mentioned By: Medium, Hydrate Marketing, Forbes, Feedough, Furniture Lighting Decor, Keap, Linkedin, and more.

What does the data SuggestJustification
Develop social media strategies with a focus on the boomer demographicTheir significant presence online demands tailored engagement strategies.
Ensure user experience on platforms is boomer-friendlySimplified and intuitive designs can enhance their online interactions.
Continuously monitor baby boomer behavior on social media for insightsUnderstanding their habits will facilitate optimized marketing efforts.